Jaa mein Staatenwunsch hat sich erfüllt *_* Ich werde in Washington State wohnen (nicht verwechseln mit Washington D.C. das ist ganz wo anders ;) ) Genauer gesagt in Spokane. Das hat mich besonders überrascht und gefreut, da die meisten Schüler eher ländlich platziert werden.
...ist die größte Stadt im Osten Washingtons
...hat ca 209.000 Einwohner
...basiert auf dem Namen des Indianerstammes Spokan
...hat einen Standart Zeitunterschied von 8 Stunden zu Deutschland
...ist mit seinen vielen Parks und Freizeitangeboten eine familienfreundliche Stadt
...liegt am Spokane River
(I thought it would be a good idea to write in English and I was to lazy to translate some sentences I found on the internet)
Did you know?
- Washington is the only state named after a U.S. president (George Washington).
- Washington's state flag is the only state flag that is green.
- The state is also known as the evergreen state
- The Space Needle in Seattle, built for the 1962 World's Fair, attracts more than a million visitors each year.
- Mount St. Helens is the only volcano in the continental United States to erupt in recent history. The 1980 eruption devastated an area of 250 square miles (400 sq km).
- Washington is the 14th most populated state in the country
- The Boeing Company, founded in Seattle, manufactures airplanes and is one of the state's largest employers
- Forests cover half of the state
- The first Starbucks Coffee Shop that opend is located in Seattle
- The most famous football team is the Seattle Seahawks. They won 2014 the Super Bowl.
State Bird:
American goldfinch. In 1951, Washington schoolchildren voted the
goldfinch as the state bird
State Tree:
Western hemlock.This and other evergreens cover half the state
State Flower:
Coast rhododendron
State Fruit
Apple-The apple was named as the state fruit in 1989. Washington
is the nation's leading producer of apples.
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